Friday, March 26, 2010

Foggy Dream

Living in a dream
A fog to hide the truth
Reality is so painful, so why not live where lies abound

To be beautiful
To hear the word, "I love you"
Spoken by a lover. Is it wrong to wish for the impossible

The tears of the heart
They fill a broken spirit
The body will heal, but how will the spirit ever mend


Sarah Laurenson said...

That's beautiful.

And "I love you" is not impossible. Sometimes it takes a long time though. And one can get scarred by repeated attempts to find it in the meantime.

We are all worthy of love.

Wings in the Night said...

Thank you, Sarah. You are so encouraging.

I have just suffered another disappointment. Can you tell? haha

It's good to know there are people like you who care about strangers.