Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Was in Love

I was in love
It was so very long ago
Joy was in my heart as I understood
I was happy

But love rejected is painful
It’s no fun to be disgusting
Being laughed at can hurt
Tossed as garbage is worst of all

Love repeats
It finds a new lover
It seeks new hope in friendship
But it is always dashed to ground

The years go by
The pattern repeats
Like a phonograph record which spins
In time the very act of loving causes pain

Monday, October 26, 2009

First Time

I let your hands caress me
You touched me as you shouldn’t
Was I wrong to grant you license
And let you have your way
It wasn’t until after
That I felt shame for what we’d done
It was different than how I’d dreamed is all
I didn’t mean to cry

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We Were Friends

The days we shared were fun

We laughed and played together
I knew what you were thinking
You knew my thoughts as well
Our friendship seemed eternal
Until I said I loved you
Why is it friends can't be in love

Monday, October 19, 2009

When the Wind is Right

When the wind is right
When the sun is high in the sky
When summer smells fill the air
I think of you
And remember how it was

Then the wind goes wrong
The sun hides behind clouds
Winter chill attacks my bones
I think of you
And remember how it ended

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Love's Regret

And I loved you deeply
My heart it was yours
To you I belonged
I was myself no more

But truly such love
Was not your desire
For you gave none to me
And burned mine with fire

What was it you hated
That I wanted to give
Was it my face or my voice
Or how I wanted to live

We had once been friends
Until I told you that day
That I loved you so true
What more could I say

But to be loved by a girl
Was not your sweet way
You could not love me
You could not be gay

Occasionally I see you
You’ll stop and we’ll talk
Sometimes you’ll be lonely
And we’ll go for a walk
I remember the day
On my shoulder you wept
And said that with me
You wished you had slept

Perhaps one day soon
My dearest sweet love
We belong together
Like hands in their gloves

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Did I Do Wrong

Why do you hate me, mommy

I didn’t mean to be bad

Don’t hit me no more

Don’t say you hate me

Mommies aren’t supposed to hate

I must be really bad

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I Thought I Would Attempt Some Poetry

I have been visiting Sarah L's blog. I like it.

Sarah has been writing poetry in a nice, direct style. She says so much in just a few words. It's very touching and meaningful.

I have things to say, too. Only I'm not so good at poetry as Sarah. But Sarah's poetry inspired me to try my hand today, and I wrote two poems, trying to mimic Sarah's style. I hope it isn't bad, mimicking like that, but I needed a starting point. I'm not putting them on my normal blog because I want to keep keep that for discussion about woman-to-woman characters. This blog will be poems reflecting my thoughts. These are from my past. I saw the one and lived the other.

Who Can Be Afraid

And he was a little boy, and he was insecure
He wet his bed and he wet his pants, because that’s what insecure little boys do
He was punished
He did not understand what he had done wrong
Then he realized
He was afraid
Being afraid is bad
But how does one not be afraid
He had to wear diapers, in front of the family
Punishment should be humiliating
But more importantly, babies can be afraid
When his little boy shorts were wet he had to wear his sister’s panties
Punishment should be humiliating
But more importantly, girls can be afraid
When his sister wet her pants she didn’t have to wear a diaper
She was almost his age
When his sister’s panties were wet she didn’t have to wear his shorts
She was almost his age
Babies can be afraid
Girls can be afraid
Little boys cannot be afraid
But if little boys wear little girl clothes, they can be afraid
Just don’t get caught

What She's Supposed to Do

And she was a big girl, strong, and pretty, and a girl
And she liked being taken care of, and she liked being independent
She thought she was smart and she thought she understood
But she was a girl, you know
Her daddy took her fishing, her and her brother
What fun to be in a boat
What fun to ride the water
But when can we go back
Don’t be a pest, don’t bother Daddy
We’re here to fish
So be quiet
When can we go to shore
She didn’t understand why they couldn’t go to shore
She didn’t understand why she couldn’t ask to go to shore
But she was a girl, you know
To sit in wet pants is no fun at all
To be caught in wet pants is humiliating
At least it was okay
That’s what she was supposed to do
She was a girl, you know